How to clean a group. Delete all VKontakte entries - Mass cleaning of the VK wall. Mass deletion of VKontakte entries

It is no secret that members of groups created by webmasters to promote sites can significantly contribute to this with their likes, distribution of links, etc. The more users or subscribers, the better.

However, as it sometimes turns out, some of the users of this social network, while listed as a subscriber, are a “dead soul” - their account is blocked (or temporarily blocked), but they are listed as a member (subscriber) of the group. On VKontakte such accounts are called dogs.

The crying dog, as if regretting what happened, says that this user is blocked.

How to quickly find out which group members' accounts are blocked?

Very simple. It turns out that such a service social network VK is there. It's called AntiDogs. All you need to do is open this page and enter the address (URL) of any group (community) in the field and scan. You can not only your group (community) - but also any other.

As you can see, the site administration reminds us of this:

“Doggies in a community influence its progress. The VKontakte administration is fighting as hard as possible against the artificial accumulation of participants in the group. Only groups with real, live and “thematic” participants reach the TOP.

Promotion of a VKontakte group must be of high quality. If it is dominated by blocked participants, then sanctions may be imposed on the community. The simplest thing a group can expect is to be completely dropped from the search. In the worst case, the group may be blocked.”

Administrators of groups and sites cannot ignore these facts, so it is impossible to exaggerate the usefulness of this service. After all, he

  1. Instantly scans the “personalities” of subscribers (members) of groups whose accounts are blocked (or temporarily blocked). You can additionally use the “Remind” service.
  2. For a fee, the service will provide the ability to clear “blocked users to avoid group blocking.”

Like this, using a simple but effective method, you can identify and clean up the group by deleting blocked users. This service is especially convenient for large groups.

Unfortunately, in my group “Blogger's Notes” the AntiDogs service has currently counted 8 “dogs”. It is necessary to remove 4 temporary ones and the same number of eternal ones. By the way, if there are blocked users in the group, then in the groups widget on the site (if installed), the avatar of blocked users will be replaced with the face of a dog.

To see all the “dogs”, go to your group, click on the “Participants” link on the group widget - the entire window will open. Let's scroll and see everyone by name, including those blocked.

Contacting every member of the group can usually be difficult. Therefore, deleting a group user is problematic. And the AntiDogs service will help you clean the group (for money).

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Hello, dear friends and blog guests! There are such unpleasant moments when you simply need to delete all the posts on your VKontakte wall. But there is one caveat! VK does not provide such a function where you can take and delete all accumulated records at once.

What to do in this case, how to clear the VK page?

I will answer this question for you today!

How to clear a page on VK? Beware of scammers!!!

The Internet is full of sites offering to download the program and supposedly it will help you delete all posts from the VK wall.

Do not fall for such offers from scammers who will simply steal all your personal data and harm you!

Before performing all manipulations in your VK account, I recommend that you make sure that you have saved your password and remember it, as well as the phone number to which your VKontakte account is registered!

Are you sure? So let's get started now!

Let's find out how to clear a VK page quickly without using fraudulent programs?

You and I will do this in Google browser Chrome, but you can also do these manipulations in any other browser that you have installed.

I hope you are already on your VK page! So good. Now in the field of your page, right-click and select “View code” from the drop-down list.

A window will open on your right, in which you should find the “Console” tab, it is located at the top. See attached screenshot:

Found it? Now you need to copy this code:

Var z = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = z[i].getElementsByTagName("div").onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split( "(");var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(";");eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == z.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval(del_wall, 1000);

and paste it into the “Console”, as in the following screenshot:

Then you need to click on “Enter” and the process of deleting posts on your VKontakte wall will begin automatically. This script for deleting posts on a VK wall deletes all posts one by one, simulating their deletion “by hand,” that is, gradually, one per second, so that VK does not become suspicious about this. Smart script!

That’s all the wisdom on how to clear a VK page from your own and other people’s entries. And you can start everything with clean slate!

And if you want to always be aware of all the new events on my blog, then subscribe to its updates!

Thank you for your attention!

It often happens that a user, having created one or several groups in a contact, understands that there is absolutely no time or no interest in developing them. Then the most correct decision would be to delete it, since its presence may interfere with your personal page. How to quickly delete groups on VK, this article will tell. When deleting, you need to understand that it is impossible to completely destroy the public, you can only clear it of content, delete all subscribed users and instead of the name write a phrase like "Group deleted" Or something like that.

Helpful information:

Also, only a person who has full administrative rights can delete a group, that is, either the creator of the community, or the one who has been given full rights to manage and administer public.

How to delete a VKontakte group created by the user himself

To do this, you must be an administrator, that is, if administration rights have been transferred to someone, then deleting the public will be impossible.

  • You need to go to the list of your communities via the link "My groups" and find the public that needs to be deleted.
  • Once you enter a group, you must destroy all of its contents. To do this, the wall is completely cleared of all posts, albums with photographs, audio recordings, videos, all subscribers, if any, discussions, the main image (avatar) are deleted, that is, the public should take on the appearance that it had when it was just was created.
  • Next, in the settings, on the tab "Information" the group type changes, you must select "Private".
  • Then, the name also needs to be changed. Change the existing name to any phrase indicating that this community is no longer functioning. The name can be changed in the settings on the same tab "Information" by filling in the appropriate field.
  • After which the user himself needs to leave the community. To do this, click on the link "You're in a group", from the menu that opens, click on the item "Leave the group."

After all these actions, the public will be completely empty, thus this will mean its deletion.

You will need a computer with a browser and a small piece of code, which is given in the article. The cleaning time will depend on the total number of records.

At one time, you can only delete those posts that the system displays on the wall. Therefore, it is important to get to the very bottom.

It may take a while to scroll through the page, but in any case everything will be much faster than deleting it manually. To speed up the process, hold down Spacebar or End.

If you're using Chrome, press Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows) or Cmd + Opt + J (macOS). In Firefox, the combinations Ctrl + Shift + K (Windows) and Cmd + Opt + K (macOS) are provided for this. If you use another browser, you can easily find the keys to launch its console using Google.

4. Copy this script, paste it into the console and press Enter

(function () ( "use strict"; if (!confirm("Delete all posts from the wall?")) return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

5. When the browser displays a dialog box, confirm the deletion

After this, the script will erase all visible publications from the “” wall. The more there are, the longer the cleaning will take.

If after this old posts appear on the wall that you simply did not scroll to, they can be deleted in the same way.

In the VKontakte social network, by default, there is only one single possible method for unsubscribing from communities. However, thanks to the efforts of some developers, it is also possible to use a special, third-party software, which allows you to automate the process of deleting groups.

Please note that the existing and workable methods today are divided exclusively into two methods, each of which will be discussed in detail. At the same time, there are also a considerable number of fraudulent programs on the Internet, the use of which is not recommended under any circumstances.

Important: after a global change took place in the VK interface, and at the same time in the technical component of the site, many popular extensions have lost their relevance, for example, VKOpt still cannot automatically delete groups. Therefore, it is recommended to devote time to precisely those methods that will be given below.

Method 1: Manually unsubscribing from communities

The first and most common technique among users is to use basic capabilities of this resource. Despite its apparent simplicity and, at the same time, inconvenience, the entire process can be perfected to the point of automation and dozens of groups can be deleted without any problems.

Giving preference to this technique, you should know that each required action will have to be performed in manual mode. Thus, having several hundred, or even thousands of groups and communities in subscriptions, you will be faced with a big problem associated with the speed of achieving your goal and simple fatigue.

If the list of your groups contains up to a hundred, and in some cases more, publics, then this method is ideal for you, also taking into account the unique opportunity to leave in the list some publics that are still of value to you in terms of interest.

  1. Open the VKontakte website and using the main menu of the site on the left side of the screen, go to the section "Groups".
  2. Additionally, make sure you are on the tab "All communities".
  3. Here, according to your personal interests, you are required to complete the unsubscribe process. To do this, hover your mouse over the icon «…» , located to the right of the name of each represented community.
  4. From the menu items that open, you need to select "Unsubscribe".
  5. Next, regardless of the type of community being deleted, the line with the avatar and group name will change in color, symbolizing the successful deletion.

    If you need to restore a group you just deleted, expand the drop-down menu again «…» and select "Subscribe".

  6. When trying to leave a community that has status "Closed group", you will need to further confirm your intentions using the button "Leave the group" in a special dialog box.

After leaving a closed group, it is impossible to return to it using the same methods as in the case of regular publics!

Please note that it is only possible to restore a deleted community before updating the page. Otherwise, if the need arises to re-subscribe, you will need to re-find the desired public through the internal search system and then subscribe.

Method 2: ViKey Zen

Today, there are a small number of extensions for VKontakte that can unsubscribe from public pages automatically. These include ViKey Zen, which is a universal tool for automating certain actions. The extension only supports Google Chrome and Yandex Browser, and you can download it on a special page in the Chrome store.

  1. Click on the link above and once completed, click the button "Install".

    Confirm the installation of the extension through the window that appears.

  2. Now on the web browser toolbar, click on the ViKey Zen icon.

    On the page that opens, you can optionally immediately perform full authorization or select individual functions without giving full access to the extension.

  3. Find the block "Communities" and click on the line "Leave communities".

    At the next stage, provide access to the application through the VKontakte website, if necessary, first perform authorization.

    If successful, you will be presented with the extension's main menu.

  4. Find a block on the page "Communities" and click on the line "Leave communities".

    Using the browser dialog box, confirm the removal of publics from the list.

    You will receive a notification upon completion.

The extension has virtually no downsides and is definitely the best option. However, to use it, one way or another, you will need one of the supported browsers.

Method 3: Special code

Due to the lack of support for other browsers in the above extension, as well as due to some other aspects, it is worth mentioning a special code as a separate method. Its use will always be relevant, since the source code of the key pages of the social network is adjusted extremely rarely.

The only unpleasant feature, apart from anti-spam protection, is the deletion of all publics, including those in which you are the administrator or creator. Because of this, you may lose access to them, since there is currently no search for managed communities. To avoid problems, make sure to save links to the desired groups in advance.


The methods we have described should be sufficient to clean up communities without restrictions on their number. If any of the methods discussed do not work, be sure to let us know in the comments.
